
Showing posts with the label licked

My Dog Licked A Slug

Lungworm infestation may also result from a pet drinking water which has been tainted by snails or slugs. However if you live in an area where French lungworm or rat lungworm is present and you suspect your dog has eaten a snail or slug then getting in touch with your vet is a good idea. My Dog Ate A Slug Will He Be Okay If your dog starts. My dog licked a slug . In worst case scenarios your dog could develop lungworm and could even die due to the infection. Your dog may become infected simply by ingesting the slime. Make sure you know how to spot the warning signs so you can help keep your dog safe. Metaldehyde is a neurotoxin that affects not only our pets but can be a fatal attraction for wildlife as well. A dog could also develop lungworm through drinking from a puddle playing with a toy that a slug or snail has crawled all over or eating the feces of an infected dog. Your dog could exhibit many of these symptoms if hes eaten a snail and its shell at the same time. ...